Thursday, April 19, 2007


This will be my last post in the main Chicago forum. My disagreement with many of the opinions displayed here is so strong that it has become frustrating and tiresome for me to read and react to them. While my obsession with Cities involves, both, the physical structures that comprise them as well as the sociology that governs them; my love for the building far outweighs my love for the people.

As to not lose this entire forum as a personal resource of mine, I am choosing to end my participation in discussions of theory, economics, race, and poverty - limiting myself to anything related to physical planning and development. That is to say: you will find me trolling only the "Projects and Construction" sub-forum from now on.

This statement isn't directed at anyone in particular... and I'm not even sure why I felt compelled to share; but, I thought it fair to explain my future absence. Please don't ask me what, or whom, spurred all of this - I'm sure those of you who know me will have little trouble understanding.

Thanks for reading,