Thursday, April 19, 2007

Home Team

If you want to watch the absolute worst home improvement show on the tube, well I have news for you!

Its on channel 9 wgn, and its called the HOME TEAM, hosted by an Apprentice reject Troy Mccain, a real nice guy, but he got fired for a reason, he is fucking incompetent.

I have never seen such a horribly produced show in my life, catch it while you can, you absolutely wont believe your EYES.

The editing is horrible, its disorganized and the music sucks and is played over segments where it interferes with the show, and troy is such a suckee host, he is hilarious,

the premise is that the family is supposed to help some contractors fix up a house for some unsuspecting family member and half the time they cant find enough people to finish the project and alot of the time they dont get the right stuff for the project.

Its looks like someone from highschool AV put it together

Its on wednesday night.
WHen you see a show like this, you know that home improvement shows have been overdone, and a few too many versions have appeared.>