Friday, April 27, 2007

Chicago's Public Surveillance Cameras

Keeping eyes on the city
13 February 2006
Chicago Tribune

Public surveillance cameras have proven to be effective as crime-fighting tools, whether the crime is an assault in Chicago or terrorism in London. Cameras provide police with extra sets of ever-vigilant eyes. Their mere presence can deter crime. When crimes are committed, cameras can help locate and identify the perpetrators.

Chicago has spent millions of dollars installing public surveillance cameras. The 100 or so cameras with flashing blue lights the city has hoisted onto poles in high-crime areas have had a measurable impact, according to police. Statistics show that violent crime is declining. Chicago is adding 250 cameras to the 2,000 operated by the city, Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago Housing Authority and other local agencies. The result--someday--will be a seamless Homeland Security Grid that will monitor everything from crime to terrorism to traffic tie-ups.

Now, the city may take a much broader step: require businesses to install their own surveillance cameras. Mayor Richard Daley supports an ordinance introduced by Ald. Ray Suarez (31st) that would do just that. The ordinance would force businesses that are open to the public at least 12 hours per day to install indoor and outdoor cameras. This would put cameras in hundreds of restaurants, stores, hotels and parking lots.

"This is not intended to punish anyone. We are talking about public safety," Suarez said. He is also talking about spending other people's money. The Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce estimates that fitting a small store with a four-camera setup for inside and outside surveillance could cost $5,000. Other estimates are even higher. This is not an insignificant sum, especially for smaller businesses that operate on thin margins. The city has failed to make an argument for such a sweeping mandate.

How many businesses would be affected? Why not focus on businesses that are prone to criminal activity or located in high-crime areas? Why shouldn't the city pay the cost for general public safety? We don't know the answers to these questions.

Daley says more cameras are at the top of his security wish list. The city is expanding its network of surveillance cameras as needs are identified and money becomes available.

Thousands of Chicago businesses have installed their own surveillance systems. Like the cameras in public spaces, they can reassure customers, deter crime and help identify perpetrators when crime does occur. They also can help protect businesses from liability and reduce insurance costs.

Those are all reasons businesses might be encouraged to install surveillance systems. But telling them they must do so for public safety--and that they must pay for them--goes too far.>