Friday, April 27, 2007

ABLA to Roosevelt Square

Sources on the CHA ABLA (Addams, Robert Brooks, Loomis Courts, Grace Abbott) redevelopment plan:

Map of entire UICABLAIMD area (PDF).

Roosevelt Square master plan (PDF).

Overview of the CHA ABLA plan.

A Chicago Defender article on CHA plan that push out the new public housing starts to 2010-2015.

CHA claims 1467 public housing units will be built. This includes 330 rehabs units in a thinned out Robert Brooks and 383 other off-site CHA replacement units. The balance are labeled part of the Roosevelt Square development but as mentioned aren't going up until 2010 and appear from the cac map to be planned for possible placement in North Lawndale. Contiguous to an expanded Tri-Taylor but effectively segregated by the railroad embankment and industrial strip west of Maplewood.

845 "affordable" housing units which seem to be CHA speak for rent controlled at 30% of income. That number doesn't square with the development releases and stories. Included in that count are 126 rehabbed units in the 2 Loomis Towers. Not sure if the remainder are all in the Roosevelt Square or if some are planned for the North Lawndale site. Also unclear is if CHA counts the NewberrryWright site which is privately owned & HUD subsidized.

1351 for sale units of which half are market rate and half "affordable" on initial sale.

Greater Tri-Taylor Development Area. Not sure what is being developed as the strip between Western and Campbell is already filled with existing housing. Pushing Tri-Taylor out to the rail embankment as a neighborhood bulwark.

The net effect of this and overall UICIMD development is alot more on and off campus student housing, some but not enough rent controlled housing for the working class, creation of needed commercial corridors and the poor get mostly screwed.

Comments, corrections, additional data and opinions are all welcome.>