Thursday, April 26, 2007

Favorite downtown approach

What's your favorite view of the skyline from the highways? If you had one hour to show a new visitor the skyline, which way would you take them?

Southbound LSD - Awesome dominance by the JHC
Northbound LSD - Triple peak postcard view from museum campus
I-290 Eastbound - Great shot of the entire skyline after the highway curves left, Sears dominates.
I-55 Northbound - My favorite view, with Sears in the middle, Aon right, JHC left, best shot of the Sears Tower with the rest of the skyline, plus it's a very unique angle and makes the skyline less spread out, I prefer this over the triple peak.
Kennedy southbound - My second favorite, awesome approach.
Dan Ryan northbound - the worst IMO, just makes it look very small.. heck Sears looks as tall as the skyline is wide with this angle.>