Wednesday, April 25, 2007

State universities & an evolving Illinois

The status and relationship of state universities in any given state change over time. It took a long time for UCLA to be thought of in the same class as Cal in Califonria (no doubt due to LA's tremendous growth). In Michigan, MSU may not be equal to U-M but it is has lost its old ag school reputation and Michigan is now viewed as a state with two outstanding flagships.

How about Illinois? Will the relationship of our state universities change as the state evolves towards the future (and isn't change in that respect inevitable like all change?)

UIUC is state's flagship u. always has been and I suspect always will. But how will the U of I change in the future as Illinois's growth will continue to be by far the heaviest in metro Chgo area?

UIC is right downtown in one of the world's most dynamic cities. It has been able to incorporate the U of i med center into its institution. At some point there may even be pressure for a public law school in the Chgo Area (we have none) and UIC would be the likely recipient. Will UIC, arguably the state's second best public institution, close the gap with UIUC to any degree?

High techn companies continue to spread west of the Fox River on I-88 towards the new fringe of Chicagoland....DeKalb. Where does that put NIU, the benificary of such growth, in relationship to the more prominent U of I (and, I hope I'm not going out on a limb here, more rominent UIC)? Where does that place NIU in relationship to its peer instiutions (SIU, ISU)?

Do you expect to see a shakeup in the relationship of all these major schools (i.e. UIUC, UIC, NIU, ISU, SIU, etc.) in a changing Illinois?>