Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Does the Sears tower dominate Chicago's skyline too much?

At the risk of being branded a heretic I pose a question that is all but anathema in Chicago....does the Sears Tower so dominate the Chicago skyline that it seemingly relegates the rest of Chicago's beautiful skyline to mediocrity?

The Sears is over 300 ft taller than the next tallest building Aon....and even after Trump is built ( not including its spire) its height is still approx equal to Aon

Now WV, Trump and hopefully the Calatrava will help to lessen the almost jarring separation between the Sears and everyone else....but especially south of the Sears there is stunning skyscraper silence.....this is being somewhat muted ( that is if silence can be muted) by the development south of grant park, and around soldier field etc but still directly south of the sears even a building as mighty as 311 S. Wacker at 961ft ( a building that would be the tallest building in the city in the vast majority of places) is crushed into submission by the almost terrifying dominance of the Sears.

Do you guys think the skyline would be better served if
1. more building were built between 1200 - 14/1500 ft that is between the heights of JHC, AON and sears
2. some more building not just supertalls but density w/ some supertall between say 1000 - 1400 ft were built south of Sears

I know there was originally a plan for two more building of the type of 311 S> wacker....I think this would help but I would add some height and not have then all the same 311 S. is 961ft so maybe make the other two 100 and 200 ft taller respectively they would be south of sears so they would be 1061, 1161 ft still some 400 and 300 ft shorter than sears.

that is really a remarkable comment when you think of it as in many cities their tallest building are between 300-400ft and here the sears is some 500 ft taller the 311 s wacker...amazing

Sears has been the undisputed King of Chicago for 30+ years and while I don't necessarliy think it is time its rule be usurped ( that is until calatrava is built) I think its time for some of the other royalty of the Chicago skyline riseup and at least be noticed next to their magnificent ruler.
