Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"In the loop"

This is a question purely for the sake of speculatory boredom...if thatÂ's even a term.
What is the origin of the term "In the loop" as to mean to be included or to know whatÂ's going on, or inside scoop.
Is it possible that the term originaly meant literally that your "in the loop" as in downtown Chicago?
Well if you look at a few basic facts about cbd's you might come to believe it is actually possible that the term did in fact stem from this. cbd's are the center of the cities universe so to speak, in that a majority of the action happens their , the gossip flows feely and if you keep your ears to the ground you can pick up more "inside" info than if you were outside of the CBD. The fact that ChicagoÂ's loop is recognized by many as the center of not only Chicago but the entire Midwest. so is it so far fetched to think that based on this idea that "in the loop" was a term that did refer to the actual loop and meant that you were getting the "inside" info because of the location?>