Saturday, April 14, 2007

City vs........Itself

Hopefully city vs. itslef is far safer (and far funnier) than city vs. city. so let's give it a go here.

in the world or worlds of Chicago central city snobery and condensation (the looking down type, not the air-to-water type), where does the "real" Chicago, the one with hubris and collasal chutzpah, divide the "real" city from the geographically undesirable city beyond it. What streets do you have to cross before you leave CHICAGO! and end up in no-where's-ville. I mean, no urban and urbane Chicagoan would deem West Rogers Park, Beverly, or Edison Park to be "The City", but where does the line get drawn.

NOTE: I'm throwing this one in for fun. It's not meant to be anything more than a funny look at the most yuppified, urbanized Chicagoans and where they believe their world stops and reality starts. It is no serious socialogical study. Please don't read anything more into this than that.>