Friday, April 13, 2007

Bridgeless stupidity?

It must be a slow day.

Forgive me. This may well be the dumbest post ever posted. Even by me (and that takes something). Ignore it if you wish (I know I would). However...

This one is so crazy, a "problem" that cannot be connected. Here we go...

Chicago's downtown and skyline have everything imaginable for total greatness except for one thing: a major bridge, beautifully suspended.

Our waters are either too wide to cross (Lake Michigan) or too narrow for grandeur (Chgo River). The result: not one fabulous view of a major bridge coming into our downtown area (no Brooklyn Bridge into lower Manhattan or Queensboro into Midtown, no Bay Bridge into SF; hell, not even Milw's I-784 looping up right south of downtown.

Cincy, Philly, Pgh, Boston, DC, StL, NO, Miami, Mpls, SD, and others put us to shame.

I don't have a solution. The best I could come up with is add another channel from river to lake near McC Pl, making the Loop and South Loop an island and bridge that gap with a magnifcent bridge as part of LSD.

I know. It won't happen. And I'm just being childish here, but, DAMN, I'd sure like a major downtown bridge, the grandest of grand entrances to downtown.>