Friday, April 20, 2007

Just a suggestion: water park

This one is a pipe dream, but, IMHO, a perfectly possible pipe dream:

If the Twin Cities made a fortune by building the Mall of America as a major attraction and America's largest mall (and just perfect for its cold climate), why can't Chicago come up with a major attraction that is so compatible with our own cold winter climate.

And the technology is there to make it work.

How about the world's biggest indoor water park. Glass enclosed. High ceiling. Huge! With the possiblity that 3-4 hotels would be attached to it. Perhaps even being incorporated into its periphery. Tropical setting.

Place is somewhere on the suburban fringe (Fox River Valley or perhaps near GrAmer/Gurnee Mills. Maybe around Woodfield, especially if a Blue Line connection were built). In the winter and much of the spring and fall, it would be mobbed. Even in the summer, it could do very well.

Could imagine a huge space, glass enclosed on top, 72 degrees all year,with the feeling of being outside.....with a metro area of 9,000,000+ and lots of visitors.

As i said, the technology is there to build it. Large interior space mimicing the outdoor enviroment is becoming more and more prevalent.

Thoughts: good idea, bad idea???????????>