Friday, April 20, 2007

Getting very worried about the CTA

I'm getting REALLY freaked about the CTA's threats to slash its service. I am not afraid because I will be affected by the changes. I mean, give me a break, I don't even live in Chicago!

But my whole love and respect for Chicago is based upon the fact that it is a traditional urban city established along a solid transit system, with a centralized downtown. It is something so magnificently powerful in a country where the majority of the landscape is bland, repetitive suburbia with Applebee's and Walmart on every other freeway exit.

If these changes occur, I think they will forever change the kind of city Chicago is. It may very well become a city that I don't like very much. And that's sad, because I LOVE loving Chicago. Perhaps I will have to find a different city to love?

Honestly, will Daley allow this? Will Illinois allow this? Will the CTA/RTA allow this? Will capital funds be used? I"m scared shitless, guys--what's going to happen?>