Thursday, April 12, 2007

Field's, Macy's, State....and CARSONS?

I've got one of those gut reactions on whether Marshall Field's will remain as such, or becomes Macy's. I have to admit, that gut reaction is strong and I'm going to express it with confidence:

Federated's surveys and other public disclosue about a name change for Field's is just a charade. But not necessarily the charade you may be thinking. My sense is, by putting the issue out there, they will be providing evidence for those in the corporation who had any doubt that turning Field's into Macy's not only a bad move, but a suicidal one in the Chicago market.

Why would a company interested in making money make such a counterproductive move. My bet (and I'm actually beginning to think this one is relatively safe): they don't.

That said, here's a question that might be interesting to consider if in fact Federated shoots itself in the foot and plasters "Macy's" above the clock at State and Washington. What effect would such a move have on Carson Pirie Scott? Carson's for so many years was Field's little brother. During its hey day, it, too, was a high profile department store in a high profile building. It offered promotion with flair and while not Field's, it kept Field's on its toes.

OK, I know this isn't the age of department stores. Still. Would a pissed off Chicago public, angered by a name change at Field's, walk a block south on State and fully embrace Carsons, elevate Carsons if you will, as an in-your-face Chicago department store staring Macy's eye ball to eye ball? Or is Carsons glory days so far gone that such a ground swell of emotion just won't happen?>