Tuesday, May 1, 2007

In Chicago today--oh did it hurt

Technically, one could say I was in Chicago today. I flew into O'Hare to change flights over, as my final destination was Kalamazoo, Michigan.

I have not been to Chicago since April, 2004.

Guys, let me just tell you--you guys love Chicago, as do I, but could you imagine having to really love the city from nearly 1000 miles away? I would kill to be able to see the architecture, new developments, new construction, etc, as well as have access to the local magazines, etc as you guys do at your disposal.

So I'm in O'Hare today, and deep down I wish my flight would be delayed so that I could take a Blue Line ride downtown and take a look around. It was not meant to be.

The way I see it, the longer I wait before visiting Chicago again, the more it will change, and the more I will appreciate whole new buildings just constructed that I have never seen. That, in a way, is exciting.

Anybody relate to this?

PS: BTW, OHare is a friggin riot. That place is busy as hell. Oh, and it's absolutely enormous. Kudos for the Chi>