Wednesday, April 25, 2007

In All Aspects: Chicago BETTER than advertised

There's no rhyme or particular reason for this posting other than an expression of an opinion, but it's very worthy praise so I wouldn't consider it completely pointless.

It's actually been about six months since my first visit to Chicago, but as of late I've been feeling the need to praise not only the skyline and architecture, but the entire city itself. While Chicago is widely considered by most sane people to be a major world city with one of the top three skylines in the world, my visits have shown me that is still remains almost completely slept on and disregarded in comparison to what it actually has to offer. Like most people who haven't been there, I was filled with all the usual misconceptions and ignorant thoughts a lot of people on here continually express without knowledge, but when I actually arrived, the place completely blew me away and I realized very quickly that I was walking the streets of one of the greatest cities on earth.

For one, I didn't realize how urban it actually was. Walking through the neighborhoods, I quickly fell in love with how distinctive each of them were, carrying out their own unique characteristics and style. The natural settings were a pleasant surprise and utterly stunning. The public art displays were plentiful and fascinating and Chicago's museums I believe are among the best and most underrated in the world, with most of them very conveniently located in or near Grant Park. My only regret was not being able to hit up the Art Institute although the Field Museum, Adler Planetarium and Shedd Aquarium were all amazing. The cuisine was also varied, diverse and most of all, of very good quality which left me feeling this was another area Chicago is vastly underrated in. Of course, the sweetest part of the trip was taking in the skyscrapers and architecture... you really do have to see it for yourself to do it justice -- While New York and Hong Kong are both more dense, Chicago can stand on its own simply by the level of quality it beholds... seeing some of the classics like the Wrigley Building and Tribune Tower were nothing short of breathtaking. The height and boldness of the more modern structures goes unmatched in the world... Quite frankly, the skyscrapers here just don't fuck around when it comes to being massive, tall and bold, and I love and admire that. The Sears Tower and JHC especially, overflow with indescribable power and ridiculous height. Chicago really should be home to three of the World's 10 Tallest because those ahead of Aon and JHC really pale in comparison when you stack them up next to eachother.

Although my time was limited, I found the city to be amazing and enjoyed it more than even New York or Hong Kong, for that matter. Keep doing your thing and make the Fordham Spire a reality.
