Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pedestrian streets in Chicago

Talking about pedestrian streets over in SSP had me thinking why not in Chicago? Now we tried the state street deal and have a pseudo ped space in Lincoln Square but generally we don't have one that I can think of. I guess to some degree Lakeshore East and the Chi-Riverwalk might have some semblance of a ped street but not really.

Do you want one? Where would be good candidates to have one? Near downtown? In an outer neighborhood? Should one just organically grow? Could one even be planned in one of these new mega developments (Roosevelt Square, University Village etc.). Would you want it completely cut off from auto-traffic or would you just want a street that makes no bones about it being geared towards ped traffic but still allows autos.

When I went to NYC and went to St.Marks St in the East Village (think I have the right location) I thought it was real nice and became maybe my favorite street in the whole city. Here is a street that wasn't audacious to close itself off to auto traffic but there is no doubt that it is for the peds and the street life is just vibrant as could be. I also like the ped areas in many a European city though that do close themselves off to auto's (and which has rarely worked in NA). In whatever form they more times then not provide a sense of community, place, serenity, and break from the auto hustle of the rest of the city.

So my question is do you want one (or more?) Where and in what form?>