Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Chicago Alumni Bars

Okay I can't help but see so many Alumni bars around Chicago. I just turned 21 so I am not as familiar with them. So here are three questions that I need to ask:

1. Which University is dominating the Alumni Bar scene?

2. Which one is very underepresented?

3. Which is your favorite bar for each Big Ten School?

Here are my answers:

1. Ohio State! Whoa, like there are so many of these around. I guess since they are so superior in athletics it makes sense, also since the university itself has such a huge student population, which means more alumni to spread the world. Michigan is a good second, and Iowa takes a third.

2. For being in Illinois I rarely see Illini bars. Maybe I haven't looked well enough but they do not seem to be around. Also Indiana Unviersity is rare as well which is surprising because it is almost just as close to Chicago as UIUC is.


Ohio State: The one on Webster is really good.

Michigan: Haven't been to one

Michigan State: I know the one on Lincoln by Fullerton and Halsted is supposed to be good.

Iowa: Went to one in Wirgleyville, can't remember the name, but on Clark close to Addison.

Illinois: Haven't been to one.

Wisconsin: Haven't been to one.

Purdue: Have never seen one.

Northwestern: Where is there one?

Indiana University: Haven't been to one.

Penn State: Must be a rarity in Chicago.

Minnesota: Eh>