Monday, April 30, 2007

Regional Insecurity

I would say that Chicago, moreso than any other big city, is just sitting in the wrong place.

New Yorkers, Bostonians, Philadelphians don't mind being labeled as "East Coast". Los Angelites, San Franciscoans are very content with being "Californians". I think Seattle likes that it's in the "Pacific Northwest". I'm not sure about Southern Cities, but I'd imagine they like to capitalize on "southern charm". What is it, though, about the midwest that is so embarrassing to Chicagoans? Would Chicago benefit if it were to "capitalize" on its midwest regionality? (what I mean is for Chicago to encorporate "midwest" more into its image)

It seems that when Chicago was founded, it was in the "western frontier". As the country matured, however, what had been the great northwest evolved into the middle west. As it became the midwest, it became a symbol for middle america.

So what about the midwest is unappealing, and what would enhance its image?>